Field of Mars Plant List
The species lists have been adapted from Biosphere Environmental Consultants Pty Ltd. 2006, Ryde Flora And Fauna Study 2006, City of Ryde. The species list is compiled from a draft report Native Plants of the Ryde District - The Conservation Significance of Ryde's Bushland Plants (PJ Kubiak, 2005) for Ryde City Council and comprises observations from 1979-2005. The species contained in this list are given a conservation status (CS) by Kubiak and are those that are common (C) and scattered (S) generally in Ryde's bushland. Others are apparently uncommon in bushland of the Ryde district (U), rare in Ryde's bushland (R), or apparently uncommon to rare (U-R). The study only involved observations over several days in the autumn (March-May) and spring (September-November) 2006 so is likely that some species are missed due to lack of observation time. Several orchids have been observed in previous years by Bev Debrincat and are marked with a BD.
The links are to PlantNet
and to photos in the Australian Plant Image Index.
Flowering Plants - Dicotyledons
Flowering Plants - Monocotyledons